Disclaimer first - I don't have an iPhone so I don't know how the G1 compares. I felt left out because I wasn't going to mobile change my service just to get the iPhone. My work phone is on the Sprint network, but, my company doesn't support the Instinct yet. My family is all set up on T-mobile so I was excited about the G1 announcement. I pre-ordered my G1 after seeing it at Google Chicago. (Early Christmas gift) I justified the purchase to myself saying 'at least I can carry one phone on the weekend instead of my personal and biz phone'. I sold it to my husband saying 'we need the internet with us on the road.'
For my purposes, the G1 fits the bill. I have the internet handy and can access my work mail (vs carrying my Treo.) Although it is not as easy to respond via the webmail version of my corporate email as having my Treo handy, it will work and save me from two devices on the weekend. I have my personal email account, twitter, and typepad handy too. I can surf the webs, look up information, get weather and maps.
The keyboard was pretty quick to adapt to. I don't think I'm at the drive and type skill level yet like I am on my Treo and may never be since the keyboard spreads out further - which is probably a good thing for other drivers. The @ symbol has its own key making things pretty handy for twitter and typing email addresses. I love the touch screen and the ability to customize my icons on my home page.
And bonus, the pre-installed wall papers include the glass flowers from the Bellagio in Las Vegas which holds special memories for me (stayed there on my honeymoon).
My wish list so far (developers listen up)...
- More applications
- Make it easier to delete emails from my gmail account - I have to actually open each mail before I can delete it. I get too much spam to open each mail.
- Let my google calendar sync with my outlook calendar
- T-Mobile please bring the G3 network to KC versus Edge (although it is not bad on Edge)
I'm still playing, but I'm loving my G1. Now what should we call these devices. A cell phone seems so lacking - in fact I've yet to make a call with it! I posed the question yesterday on Twitter, @michaeljbarber called it his lifeline and @mobyrock said it was his thorn in his side, the bane of his existence and the technological leash from his employer. Right now I'm just going to call it my toy :)
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