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April 30, 2009


I usually approach "ten tips" lists with trepidation, but this is really great, very valuable.

Particularly loved the "Risk Of Ignoring" construct and plan to "adopt "it immediately. Nicely done.

Great advice throughout this post. A must read for any marketer looking to embark on the social media journey.

Good luck in your new role.

Thanks for the great information. Especially about hiring the right agency to work with you. Will look forward to hearing more from you in your new gig! Congratulations!

Paula, thanks for the post - Great stuff. And amen,amen and amen to your points :-). Especially on the human capital front, I cannot agree with you more. What some folks dont realize is that with social media, engagement is not fleeting. You got to stay engaged if you want to retain.

Thanks for a good read.
- Ned

One of the better "10 tips" advice blog entries. Spot-on information.

Great post. Particularly like the point about the human capital/media $ tradeoff. Lots of people assume social media campaign = free.

I'm happy that the content is helpful. More to come...

Outstanding post, Paula. So many good points: Finding your own path. The voice must be the company's. Media $ vs. human capital. ROI=Risk of Ignoring.

Coming from a different kind of integrated marketing background--where customer engagement takes a long view not a campaign view--I like what you expressed about integrated marketing vs. social media. Social media requires a real and ongoing commitment to engage and communicate.

Thanks for reinforcing the point. And best of luck on your next adventure.

Excellent blog Paula - people just need keep being reminded that Social Media is here and must be put into use in appropriate ways.

And your last point is SO relevant! Must sell the C-Suite on the ROI - that's what this is all about, how awareness builds the brand resulting in sales (or other goals)


Best of luck in the new posistion!
Your insight and tips for social media is once again dead on. Great posting! I love your new spin in ROI.

It all fits a lot of what I have been saying in my blog at


You nailed it. I just added a post with a link back to yours because it was just that good. Thanks.


Excellent points.

Risk of Ignoring is nice twist on ROI. As ex-Dell, I've seen that one first hand and importance of authentic engagement.

It’s about knowing your customers. Companies do focus groups, registration surveys, phone surveys, online surveys, mall intercepts, etc. in an attempt to learn about their customers. Social Media helps a company get at the same information and provides an opportunity to continue that discussion to nurture Brand Loyalty.

Additionally, you don’t explicitly call out, but many of your points tie back to the over-arching idea of ‘commitment.’ Learn what works (e.g. Find Your Brand’s Own Path) and commit. Without commitment, an agency’s or company’s efforts are destined to fail.

If there was a "like" function on this blog (like Facebook), I would of clicked it.

Nice write up. Mucho mucho bueno.

Paula -

You rock! Have limitless fun on your grand new adventure.


Well done, Paula. You've got the makings of a handbook or ebook for the corporate communications executive of the future here. This is going in my Delicious account.

Congratulations on all that you have achieved at H&R Block. You should be very proud of the success and team that you built there. I hope we can continue to learn from you in your next endeavor, and I wish you nothing but the best.


Excellent tips. Thank you! I love the comment on ROI = Risk of Ignoring. I'm gonna remember this one. Good luck in your next endeavor.

Well said, Paula -- an incredible summary of learnings from the past few years.
I wish you only the best in your new role.

Terrific list, Paula. Thanks to @360i for the RT.

One question regarding your third point: I agree with your assertion that social media is a commitment. Doesn't that conflict with the idea of having an "exit strategy"? If you've spent the time and energy to develop this active base, why would you ever walk away from it? And how could you possibly do so gracefully?

Maybe this is a semantic difference. If you're saying that campaign strategy must include a plan to transition the community from the campaign to an ongoing engagement program, then I couldn't agree more. If you're truly talking about a plan for walking away, I'd love to hear more about how you'd do that.

Jonathan Goldfuss
President, Red Bird Marketing

Really enjoyed your post Paula. I like that you highlight that you don't need to spend a lot of money to get started and that you also highlighted the point of "Risk of Ignoring". This is the point I also try to make to my clients when they initially balk at dipping their toes into social media. And, once they really dip their toes in, they do find they enjoy it and that conversing can be a lot of fun! See you on Twitter!

Yes - Bu it's important that you don't use a site like Myspace or Facebook for pure emailing. Outlook is still the best for that. Grab Outlook Track-It. It's a plugin toolbar for Outlook that can be found at You can flag email for follow-up/reply reminders. If you're going to a social media marker, stay on top of your emails!

Thanks for the post, Paula.
I think that companies as they are currently structured, which evolved to their present state around the turn of the century, need to undergo deep change in order to transform into the new culture-centric and transparent companies the social web demands they be.

Companies are not structured to handle rigorous dialogue with their customers. They're still focused on one-to-many communication—even with the advent of a couple staff positions handling social web.

Excellent post! I especially agree with your comments on working with agencies. Big brands want to make things "scalable" which generally includes outsourcing.

Great post and I'm looking forward to see what you do next.

- Krista

Well done, I like all the points and they're worth pondering

Paula, as always great info. Just heard of your new career move and wish you nothing but the best at the new place. Let's touch base after you get settled as I'd love to hear more.

Best regards,


You are right. An exit strategy is a contradiction to a social media program. People need to think through the exit strategy if they approach social media as a marketing campaign. For example, if you build a following on Twitter for a marketing campaign, what are you going to do with those followers when the campaign expires. Social media programs need to be authentic and be in it for the long-term. It is a committment. Make sense?


I couldn't agree with you more. Social media is more than marketing or customer service or corporate communications. Most organizations are not currently set up to function efficiently in this brave new world.

What a wonderful post. You've encapsulated many of the core philosophies in one place very neatly. I really liked the media $ vs. human capital point and the risk of ignoring one too. Best of luck with your career move and stay in touch.


What a great post to literally have stumbled upon. You're so right about the need for organizations to just get started. It doesn't take much money, but it does take time and commitment to do it well.

Fortunately there are a lot of great resources out there to help us all to keep learning, and new tools. I only started using TweetDeck last week after reading so many great things about it. It's completely changed the Twitter experience.

I want to join the other well wishers, and look forward to hearing more from you.

Debbie Hemley

Really useful thanks. I own my own Social Media company and you helped me to understand even more!


Paula, congratulations and best of luck. And, thank you for this thought-provoking and absolutely on target post. I enjoyed learning about what you've created at H&R Block through Francois' CMO 2.0 conversation and really look forward to hearing about your next chapter.


Phone System Seattle

outstanding blog paula ill be coming back for more!

I believe that bringing people to the fore is paramount inexecuting any campaign on social networks. It's about people connecting with people. I work hard with my clients to make sure that this message gets across. However, a little bit of news, a little bit of promotion doesn't hurt if done right.

I agree with your Risk of Ignoring position, this is fundamental for all marketers to understand but sometimes it simply isn't enough, the ROI equasion has to be answered. This can be difficult although I believe that realistic estimates can be put together.

I agree that although it sucks to have someone learn on your dime...sometimes that's just the way it goes. Caveat Emptor. I'm sure if the person you're dealing with just flat out sucks then that relationship won't last. Anyways, I love the post though and Paula you are well on your way. I'm wondering if there is anyway shape or form that I could reuse this top ten list as "flycatcher" for my local businesses? Not as a sell...but a giveaway? rings true for me though...although I am still a firm believer in the old meaning of the R.o.I. acronym, lol. Great stuff.

SEO, linking, spamming is a big, big industry. It may be a nuisance but for a product owner, it is deemed important in trying to be relevant, current and out there. It also is being developed on a regular manner so it is every changing and dynamic.

The Thing with SEO is that what works today it mighth not work tomorrow,

This is a very well thought out list. What strikes me is if you ask most people if they participate in social media they would say, ‘no’ simply because they don’t understand when they get on Google and ‘land’ somewhere…they are in fact participating.

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I also apply that techniques in my Fan page.that article is so relevant for tips.

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hinterlassen ;) Ich würde mich freuen, wenn ihr auf meiner Homepage auch einmal vorbei schauen würdet! Vielleicht wollt ihr einmal auf Sylt/ Westerland oder an der Ostsee Urlaub machen?! Wir haben dort sehr schöne Meerblickwohnungen. Vielleicht bis bald einmal!

Herzliche Grüße

Excellent points to share about social media applications

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This is a great collection of socials media experts. Some really good information here. It's interesting to see the different perspectives on social media and new media.

I think its a pretty good idea not that there aren't other sites out there that already do something similar but I think it might catch on here pretty well.

Great tips from an a expert. :)

Great tips and yes social media is getting in huge benefits for all of us.

If you are business men then social networks are great to promote to. The best ones are twitter and facebook

This is a great information for people like me who just started an online business, it's good to know how social networks can do to your business. Thanks.

A good post in the blog and a very nice blog, nice to meet.I will meet again.

Good luck to your new job venture. I would say that marketing and advertising have changed more in the past 3 years than the previous 50 years. And Social Media Marketing today is really a fast-growing industry which poses a lot of opportunity of profit growth!

Social media requires a real and ongoing commitment to engage and communicate.

Thanks for sharing these tips these are very nice really very useful for marketing. Really blatant post!

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I can say you're on the right track in today's trend of job. Affiliate marketing online is the best business venture you can ever have if you want to have instant profit growth.

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A nice article, really a very nice. Thanks for sharing this pretty article. I really like it.

Great set of tips. But not all get into social media marketing. Mostly into Affiliate Marketing. Yet I will still bookmark this one. Thanks.

good post, social media marketing becomes not only more and more relevant these days but is a must have!

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I would say that marketing and advertising have changed more in the past 3 years than the previous 50 years. And Social Media Marketing today is really a fast-growing industry which poses a lot of opportunity of profit growth!

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